State Revenue Refunds

Refund Of Stamp Duty

Whenever you buy a property, whether it’s for primary residency or investment, Victoria’s State Revenue Office takes their share of your payment through stamp duty, a registration fee or a land tax that might be factored into the price. Every now and then, you might find that you’ve made an overpayment to the State Revenue Office, in which case you can request a reassessment and possibly obtain a stamp duty refund of the overpaid balance. SLA Conveyancing is your local stamp duty specialist that can help you apply for State Revenue refunds related to your property purchase. Whether you need professional conveyancing in Cranbourneconveyancing in Frankston or conveyancing in other Melbourne eastern suburbs, call us today to make an appointment.

Professional Assistance to Try and Get You the Best Possible Result

Applying for a refund from the State Revenue Office often requires the help of a professional conveyancer who can ensure the application form is not only correctly filled out but is the correct application to begin with. Whether you require a healthcare card refund specialist or a concession card refund consultant, our staff can help guide you through the process of concession refunds conveyancing.

Once the application is complete, we’ll send the paperwork to the State Revenue Office to have your refund of stamp duty application reviewed. Once a decision has been made, our stamp duty specialist will follow up with you to advise you of the outcome of your stamp duty refund.

Get in Touch Today for an Appointment

Whether you’re looking for a conveyancer to guide you through the settlement process or need specific help from a healthcare card refund conveyancer, make an appointment with SLA Conveyancing today. One of our experienced team members will come to see you at a suitable time and place to assist with your refund of stamp duty